Bruce Collins, Evangelist

The personal website of Bruce Collins

Tweedledum and Tweedledee

But this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God.  (Hebrews 10:12 NKJV)
Where Should the Comma Be?
I have heard a lot of ministry on this verse.  Some preach that the comma should be after the word sins and some think the comma should after the forever.  Thus, the question is, “Did the Lord offer one sacrifice for sins forever or did He sit down forever after offering one sacrifice for sins.  One preacher that I greatly respected settled the question by saying it was so much tweedledum and tweedledee.  I think he was saying both things were true and so the argument wasn’t important.  I used to believe him.  However, after reading the Bible and looking at other passages I have come to the conclusion that the comma should be after the forever.  I no longer believe the Lord sat down forever but He did offer one sacrifice for sins forever.
When we read of the Lord sitting down, I believe that it is just saying that His sacrificial work was done, that God was satisfied and that now He was being given the place of honor in heaven.  Remember that James and John wanted to sit one at the right hand and one at the left hand of the Lord in His glory (Mark 10:37).  But when Stephen saw the Lord in Acts 7, He was standing (Acts 7:56).  So I believe I know where the comma should be.  I’m glad I get that solved.
One Sacrifice
I have been reading through Leviticus and I notice that this book of Old Testament worship begins describing five sacrifices.  There is the burnt offering, the meal offering, the peace or fellowship offering, the sin offering and the trespass offering.  We would note that it takes all five to give us a little understanding of the one sacrifice for sins of the Lord.  The sacrifice that the Lord offered first of all that satisfied God is the burnt offering.  The meal or grain offering speaks of the Lord’s perfection, the peace or fellowship offering speaks of the communion and thanksgiving associated with the Lord’s sacrifice.  The sin offering seems to place it’s emphasis on the need for an offering for the nature of sin in each of us and the trespass offering speaks of the need to have an offering for the sins we know we commit.  
One offering for sins forever seems simple enough.  And trusting in that one sacrifice for sins forever, saves sinners for eternity.  But while we appreciate what the Lord has done for us in being that offering that satisfied God and that satisfies the believer, we will likely never fully understand all that that one sacrifice for sins really accomplished.  But I think we will have eternity to ponder the great truth that the Lord in one sacrifice accomplished something that the Old Testament could only try to describe.  We can only attempt to understand it.  But we can trust in the truth that Christ offered one sacrifice for sins forever.
Bruce Collins
Meditation for the week of February 7, 2021

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