Beauty is only skin Deep!
"Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty; You corrupted your wisdom by reason of your splendor. I cast you to the ground; I put you before kings, That they may see you. (Ezekiel 28:17 NASB)
Beauty can be deceitful. People in the Bible who were beautiful did not always fare well. Absalom was a man of beauty who knew how to flatter people. He was able to get them to follow him as he tried to destroy His own father. His end was tragic. His own father wailed at his death. King David no doubt realized that even though Absalom was born into a royal family, he had never trusted the Lord. Instead he trusted in his beauty and charismatic personality.
Queen Vashti in the book of Esther was beautiful and she ended up losing her position as Queen. Samson was apparently beautiful, and he ended up committing suicide. Saul was a man who stood head and shoulders above the people but if he was a “saved” man (which I think he was), he certainly was a carnal man who ended badly.
We think of Satan as a red or green demon with a forked tail and a pitchfork in his hand. This too is deceitful because while he is sometimes presents himself as a roaring lion, but more often he is very attractive and cunning and knows just how to deceive us.
Many a marriage has failed because the partners were only attracted to the physical beauty of their spouse and they found out that underneath that physical beauty was a very deceitful heart.
But what does the Lord see? I am glad that he doesn’t require us to be beautiful before he accepts us. He sees us warts and all and still we read that God “so loved” the world that He gave His unique Son, that whoever believes in Him has everlasting or eternal life. Then He clothes us in the righteousness of Christ; and because we are “in Christ,” all God sees is the beauty of His son.
Yes, beauty can be very deceitful. It can be used to manipulate others. But our Lord is not like that. He accepts us and saves us and changes us into a trophy of His grace. I’m glad I have been attracted to the Lord. I hope you have been as well. I pray that the Lord will give discernment when I am tempted to follow the beautiful charismatic but evil leaders that are so popular in the world today.
Bruce Collins
Meditation for the week February 10, 2018