Meditation for the week of July 9, 2006
2Timothy 1:12 For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.
Paul says “I knowâ€. Today most people are taking a leap in the dark when they talk about their faith. They don’t know what they believe and, in many cases, they don’t know whom they believe. They are like a ship without a rudder or an anchor on a storm-tossed sea. But that was not Paul’s case, and it should not be our case.
We say that we trust in God, but we talk about God so generally that we forget that there is only one God. The first commandment requires us to worship only Him. In the Bible He is revealed by Jehovah in the old testament and by Jesus in the new. There is no other God. Paul had to learn this the hard way. He thought he was worshipping Jehovah, but he had rejected Jesus. On the way to Damascus, he found out that the One he was persecuting was alive and that He was the Messiah. He found out that Jesus was the Son of God (Acts 9:20) and, as a Jew, he knew that made Jesus God (John 5:18). Paul not only had the Lord appear to Him on the Damascus road, but He proved the reality of the Lord’s continuing faithful presence in his ministry. Now as he comes to the end of his life and his ministry, he has full confidence that the Lord Who had been faithful to him, would continue to be faithful to Him.
Paul’s execution is certain in this book. He says that the time of his departure is at hand or near (2 Timothy 4:6). He doesn’t need doubts, he needs confidence, and he has it. John the Baptist had doubts at this stage in his ministry, but when he doubted, He sent to the Lord to have his questions answered and his doubts removed. The Lord helped John by saying, “Go show John again (Matthew 11:4).†So whether we are strong or weak we need to “know†the Lord. We need to know the promises He has given us, and we need to know that He is able to perform them. We can’t afford to just hope or just think we know a great big generic God when we face trouble or death. We need to know that we know the personal, humble, caring, merciful, gracious, loving and sacrificial Lord Jesus Christ. We need to know that He is faithful.
When people ask me, “What do you know for sure?,†I want to answer, “I know that the Lord Jesus is my Savior and that I am going to heaven. On the way, the Lord is going to be with me. What do you know for sure?†Of course, no one asks that question who really wants an answer, so I don’t answer them the way I should. But I do know whom I have trusted and I am persuaded that He is able to keep or guard that which I have committed unto Him against that day. I have committed my eternal soul to Him. Sometimes I have trouble committing my day to day problems to Him. However, I know He knows every sparrow that falls to the ground so I am confident because, not only do I know Him, but He also knows me. There is something comforting about that.
2 Timothy 2:19 Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his.
Bruce Collins