The Last Great Enemy
For He must reign till He has put all enemies under His feet. The last enemy that will be destroyed is death. (1 Corinthians 15:25-26 NKJV)
Personal Reminders of that Last Great Enemy
Recently, I had an Aunt pass into eternity. I have recently witnessed two of my fellow preachers pass into eternity. I have just been informed of a friend with whom I held a lot of Bible studies that has passed into eternity. The Lord has been vividly reminding me that apart from the Lord’s return to rapture the church, all of us are going to face “the last great enemy.”
What Happens When We Die?
Some think that we cease to exist and that our bodies simply go back to the dust or clay. Others think that there is an afterlife and that everyone will ultimately enjoy an eternity of bliss (this has been called universal salvation). Others of us believe God. He says that some of us will be with Him in heaven and others will be tormented in hell until the resurrection of damnation when unbelievers will be judged according to their works and then they will be cast into the lake of fire.
Why Do I Believe the Bible?
There are reasons why I believe the Bible. I could talk about the work of archaeologists that support the Bible’s historical accuracy. I could talk about the dead sea scrolls that support the accuracy of some of our old testament books. I could mention the many prophecies connected with the Messiah that were written years before He came and which were fulfilled when He came the first time. I could also discuss the accuracy with which it describes the heart of mankind. But mostly I believe the Bible because I want to. I have spent years studying the Bible and other belief systems and I find no other set of instructions as to how to please God that make any sense to me. Most religions (not all) think that good people go to heaven and bad people don’t. However, just look around and then look within. Are there really any good people? The Bible says,
“There is none righteous, no, not one; There is none who understands; There is none who seeks after God. They have all turned aside; They have together become unprofitable; There is none who does good, no, not one.” (Romans 3:10-12 NKJV)
Some people are certainly a lot “gooder” than others. But all of us have offended God and likely our fellow human beings at least once. We have all told lies that we justified. We have all wanted things that were not our own. Many of us have not properly honored our fathers and mothers. Some of us have taken the Lord’s name in vain. We have said, “So help me God” when we know we are lying.
I believe the Bible is God’s Word and it is pretty clear that we are all going to die (again apart from the rapture of the true church). None of us look forward to this event, but since it is going to happen it only makes sense to prepare for the inevitable end. The only set of instructions in which I have confidence is found in the Bible. When a Philippian jailer asked, “What must I do to be saved?” Paul and Silas answered him very simply, “Believe on (or trust in) the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.” (See Acts 16).
Risk Averters
I admit that I am a risk averter, not a risk taker. I don’t want to risk my place in heaven by being too proud to believe in a man who died for me and was raised from the dead to prove that He had satisfied God’s need for a sacrifice for our sins. For my friends who have died, this is no longer an academic issue. They are either enjoying heaven or they are finding out that they should have read and believed in a book that told them of a Savior who loved them enough to be the sacrifice for their sins.
I believe the Bible. I believe God. I don’t see any good reason for not believing the record that God has given us.
Bruce Collins
Meditation for the weeks of August 25 and September 1, 2024
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